Founder's Journey Unplugged

From 1st Release to Changing an Industry: Navigating the Balancing Act of MVP vs. Vision

Bastian & Markus Season 1 Episode 10

This episode is about balancing the long-term vision of a company vs. the go-to-market focus (the first version of your product). Often overlooked, this balance is crucial for founders. Some emphasize their visionary goals, yet stumble in generating short-term traction. Others hyper-focus on early steps, losing sight of the broader picture. We will elaborate in this podcast on:

  • Why this balance is critical and why it matters a lot.
  • How do we, at Flinn Comply,  try to balance this trade-off when we pitch/sell our company (to investors, customers, potential employees) and when we develop our product. 

Join us for a candid conversation that sheds light on a challenge all founders face. Together, let's learn to thread the needle between visionary aspirations and tangible progress.

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