Founder's Journey Unplugged

OKRs from Day 1: Simple & Effective

Bastian & Markus Season 1 Episode 11

Setting clear, meaningful goals is among the most important priorities for founders. In this episode, we explore how we use Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)  Flinn Comply and what we have learned about OKRs over the past 8 years.

What you'll learn: 

1️⃣ OKRs' Importance: Align your vision and mission with your OKRs. 

2️⃣ Simplicity and Iteration: Start simple with one OKR. Refine as you learn. 

3️⃣ Transparency: OKRs foster employee involvement and clarity. 

4️⃣ Setting Priorities: Prioritise your OKRs; not all will succeed. 

5️⃣ OKRs' Ambition Level: OKRs should challenge and inspire. 

6️⃣ Outcome vs. Output: Focus on meaningful results, not checklists. 

7️⃣ Feedback: Track often. Involve teams. Adjust goals. 

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